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    Stevenson 1891. Stevenson, W. H., 'The Old English Charters to St Denis', English Historical Review 6 (1891), 736–42. 6 charters cited.

    • S 3. Comments, spurious, forged after 1066, p. 742 n. 22
    • S 133. Comments, spurious, a French forgery partly modelled on a genuine charter of Offa, script of MS 1 imitates early Insular minuscule
    • S 318. Comments, forged in France at end of 11th century
    • S 686. Comments, forged in France at end of 11th century, written in script imitative of Anglo-Saxon minuscule and may be partly based on a genuine lost Anglo-Saxon diploma
    • S 1028. Comments, p. 738
    • S 1186. Comments, spurious, a French forgery